It’s been said that up to 80% of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetime (ouch). Mostly asked all the time what are the most effective movements within the gym one can do to strengthen their lower back.
How’s this for a paradox: Dr. Stuart McGill (author of such fantastic books as Low Back Disorders and supreme Back Fitness and Performance) has stated on several occasions that lower back health is extremely correlated with endurance, while those with stronger and more powerful lower backs are more commonly injured.
So while you'll think that those back extensions are helping you……..think again. Strengthening the lower back might not be such a decent idea.And on
an additional note: It’s rather asanine that the American Medical Association
still uses loss of spinal range of motion because the classification scheme of
lower back dysfunction. There isn’t one study out there that shows that lumbar
spine (lower back) range of motion is correlated with having a healthy back; of
course, the other is true! Again those with better STABILITY (super stiffness,
as Dr. McGill calls it) and optimal hip MOBILITY are far better off. So, for
all those physicians or personal trainers who tell you that every one you wish
to try to to is “stretch out your lower back,” don’t hear them. They’re giving
archaic and outdated advice.
What are you able to do?
1. MOVE! We’re a really sedentary society, and intrinsically, predispose ourselves to lower back injuries because we’re so locked up in our hips and thoracic spine (mid-back). These two areas typically must be more mobile and when they’re not (because you’re sitting all day before of the computer screen playing solitaire once you should be working), our lower back suffers, because it’s forced to compensate and use more range of motion. Range of motion it’s not necessarily designed to own. In short…get up and move around periodically.
2. an
excellent exercise that basically challenges your “core” and helps promote
stability/endurance, is that the plank. Get down on the ground with nothing but
your elbows/forearms and toes touching the bottom. you must position your body
in an exceedingly line, squeeze your glutes and check out to stay a neutral
spine. There should be no movement. Hold this position for 30 seconds and
repeat for a complete of 3-4 sets. try and increase some time hebdomadally.
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